We nurture your baby’s growth and development starting from the first few days after birth and onwards. We recommend your baby’s first well-baby exam within two to three weeks after birth, and additional well-baby exams every three to four months for the first year.
Well-baby exams are scheduled at baby’s first, third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth month. At each of the visits, your baby’s naturopath performs the following exams and discusses about the milestones:
Your baby’s measurements: A well-baby exam usually begins with measurements of your baby's length, weight and head circumference.
Head-to-toe physical exam: A thorough check-up is performed at every visit including eyes, ears, abdominal, lungs, heart, hips, skin and genitalia exam.
Your baby’s development: Depending on your baby's age, your naturopath will discuss the following:
- How well does your baby control his or her head?
- Does your baby imitate your facial expressions and sounds?
- Does your baby reach for objects or put them into his or her mouth?
- Does your baby attempt to roll over?
- Can your baby sit with support?
- Does your baby pull up into a standing position?
Your naturopath will discuss in depth some of the common topics at the visit:
- Fussy baby – colic and ways to improve baby’s digestive system
- Introducing solid foods
- Food allergies
- Vaccination
- Teething
- Treating colds and flus
- Improving baby’s immune system
- Benefits of probiotics and fish oil and when can they be introduced